Tiffany and Co X Nike Collaboration comes with accessories!

What is the Tiffany X Nike Collaboration?
Earlier this week, it was announced that there would be a pair of Nike Air Force 1 Lows dropping on March 7th, 2023. We wrote all about it in a recent blog about them which you can find by CLICKING HERE! In addition to the shoes, we also recently heard that there will be various accessories that one can purchase that go with the luxury Air Forces that cost $400.
What accessories could you expect?
There are four different accessories that have been announced so far, but it would not be surprising to see Nike or Tiffany announce others as the release comes closer. All the accessories are Sterling silver and will have a price range of between $250 to $475!
The Whistle
This eye-catching luxury whistle does not come at a cheap price due to the material along with the Tiffany & co brand being stamped on it. This sterling silver whistle is not going to be a piece that you see referees wearing to the games but instead celebrities such as Drake wearing courtside!

The Shoe Horn
Is Grandpa rocking the kicks? That's no problem because the brands have already thought about an easy way to slip the already easy to put on Air Forces. This shoe horn comes in a nice shiny finish with both the Nike and Tiffany branding on it! It is much smaller then your average shoe horn, which will allow slipping your shoes on and off easily when you are out since it could fit in your pocket!

The Toothbrush
You heard that right the toothbrush! Although the average person may read toothbrush and wonder how that relates to the shoes, but all the real sneakerheads know what's up! The Luxury Toothbrush was made to clean your shoes! You would not want to spend $400 on a pair of shoes and let them get dirty so why not spend an extra few hundred on a toothbrush to clean them?

The Dubrae
Did you even know what a dubrae was before we told you? Well, now you do! Before the accessories were announced, a lot of people started to point out the fact that a luxury jewelry company, such as Tiffany, would create an Air Force 1 dubrae in leather. Days later, this annoyance has been answered with the ability to replace the leather piece with a metal one that is much more durable!

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Information you need to know:
Brand: Nike X Tiffany & Co.
Price: $250 to $475
Release date: March 7th, 2023
Where to cop: Nike website and possibly at select Tiffany locations